Saturday, December 20, 2008

Real Estate Report (December 2008)

December, 2008

The Real Estate Report
Local Government News Impacting the Real Estate Industry

New Development

Neighborhood Concerned about Possible Development
Neighbors of a proposed new development called Colleton Crossing addressed the Carrboro Alderman in a December meeting, saying the new development would disrupt the existing neighborhood. The new plan calls for 39 new single family homes located off Reynard Road and Tally Ho Trail. Homes would likely be priced from $500,000-$800,000, with six being sold to the County Land Trust for $130,000. The primary concern of the residents is that the added development would increase traffic by 390 trips daily and would create a safety issue for kids playing in and around the street. For the full story, click here.

Developer Seeks Housing Exemption
Carrboro developer Trip Overholt appeared before the Carrboro Aldermen to ask that his proposed development, Verida, be exempted from the town’s affordable housing requirement. He claims that his development, which uses a co-housing model, and features $289,000, 3 bedroom, 2 bath detached condos, are more affordable than anything else being built in Carrboro right now. The Board of Aldermen did not make a decision on the affordability issue and are to bring it up again at a future meeting. For the full story, click here.


County Commissioners Approve Impact Fee Increase
Orange County Commissioners approved an impact fee increase at their meeting in early December. For homes built in the Orange County school district, the $3,000 fee will remain the same in 2009 but increase to $3,749 in 2010, a 25 percent increase. Homes built in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school district will have a $6,092 fee this year, which is a 38 percent increase over the current fee. In 2010, Chapel Hill-Carrboro home fees will increase again to $7,616. This is the first time the fees have increased since 2001. For the full story, click here.

CHCCS Releases Reading Results
Students in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools continue to outperform their counterparts across North Carolina in reading, despite a drop in reading test performance. This year, significant changes were made in the tests given to students in grades 3-8, including setting higher standards for attaining proficiency. As a result, 78.5 percent of CHCCS students posted proficiency in reading while in 2008, that number was 93.4 percent. The drop in scores in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro district is approximately one-half of the decline seen statewide. “In raising standards, we may make students better readers in the end, but the presentation of the results the first year with new standards can be demoralizing to students and staff," said Executive Director for Testing and Program Evaluation Diane Villwock. For the full story, click here.

Orange County

Forum Weighs Density
Neighborhoods for Responsible Growth held a meeting at Chapel Hill Town Hall to discuss the town’s pursuit of density and ways to manage Chapel Hill’s growth. Citizens shared their thoughts on housing affordability and expanding the commercial tax base, while others voiced concerns about building design and the need to update the comprehensive plan. The meeting included a panel of experts, and was attended by about 100 people. For the full story, click here.

Discussion Over Carolina North Continues
Representatives from UNC Chapel Hill and members of the Chapel Hill Town Council continued discussions about Carolina North in an early December meeting. The meeting focused on how to stage and scale the development over its fifty year build out. Councilmember Bill Strom reminded university representatives that the town expects the development to function as a “mixed used, transit friendly, development from the outset.” A development agreement is expected to be reached by June of 2009. For the full story, click here.

Downtown Parking to Tighten Up
Once work on the Lot 5 development begins, parking in downtown Chapel Hill is likely to get worse before it gets better. Ram Development Co may break ground on 140 West condominium project at Parking Lot 5 in January, which will eliminate 170 parking spaces. The town has tried to put together other parking options, in the meantime, with most of the identified options on the west end of Franklin Street. Further plans and solutions for parking in downtown will be outlined in a January report by the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership. For the full story, click here.

Chapel Hill Transit Explores Pittsboro-Chapel Hill Route
A direct express bus between Pittsboro and Chapel Hill is being developed by the two towns and is garnering support from Chatham County residents that make the commute to Chapel Hill daily. Many of the details, including stops, hours and costs are being worked out, and Chapel Hill Transit has received a state grant that will cover up to 50 percent of the cost for 18 months. It is estimated that 30 percent of UNC and UNC Hospital employees live in Chatham and Alamance counties. For the full story, click here.

Town Manager Projects Budget Cuts
The Chapel Hill Town Council is in the midst of deciding how to handle the local fall-out from the financial market crises. Town Manager Roger Stancil recently gave the Council an update on town revenue projections, citing that sales tax revenues are likely to be 5 to 10 percent below projections. Stancil is also projecting less revenue growth from property revaluations that will be done in 2009 and a decrease in money collected from development fees.

In order to meet those challenges, Stancil has reduced expenditures by 5 percent -- approximately $2.5 million -- and declared that no departmental positions can be filled without his approval. In response to Stancil's report, Councilman Jim Ward urged a budget cut of $1 million beyond the prescribed five percent, arguing that budget shortfalls would likely be deeper and more long lasting. For the full story, click here.

County Examining Procedures for Reviewing Potential Airport
At a meeting this morning, the Orange County attorney, manager, and planning director met to discuss how they would handle a potential application for a new airport in the County. Part of the discussion in the meeting focused on determining whether a new airport authority created by UNC would be a private, public, or quasi-public body. Determining this will help shape how the potential project would move forward. If a private developer makes application to build the airport, a special use permit would be required and could take between six to nine months for approval. In Monday’s meeting, staff also reviewed whether the county’s current zoning is adequate for an airport and the properties surrounding it. Currently, county zoning only deals with building heights on an airport site and not the land around it. For the full story, click here.

County Commissioners Welcome New Members
The Orange County Commissioners welcomed newly elected Commissioners Pam Hemminger, Bernadette Pelissier and Steve Yuhasz to the board in a December meeting. The new seven-member board also elected Valerie Foushee as board chair and Mike Nelson as board vice-chair. Additionally, long time serving board member Moses Carey retired after 24 years of service.
From the News of Orange

Tax Values Up in Orange County
The total assessed valuation for Orange County increased from $11.5 billion in 2004 to $14 billion in 2008, a 22 percent increase. Most properties throughout the county saw an increase of between 20 and 30 percent in value. The increase seems shocking to many, especially in light of recent reports of the housing and credit slump but appraisers say homeowners should remember the revaluation takes into account the past four years, which were strong years. For the full story, click here.

The Triangle

Pittsboro on Biofuels Map
The Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels, located in Lausanne, Switzerland, recently established an office in Pittsboro. The Chatham County office will lead efforts in America to create a seal of approval for biofuels produced in an ecologically sound manner. The Roundtable hired away Matt Rudolf of the Piedmont Biofuels Cooperative, a group that makes and sells biodiesel locally. For the full story, click here.

Chatham County Revises Land Use Rules
After two years of work, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners has approved major revisions to the County’s zoning ordinance, soil erosion and sedimentation control ordinance and subdivision regulations, and also adopted a new stormwater ordinance. The new regulations will help the county ensure that growth and development is managed, so that they “can better meet the infrastructure needs that come with population growth, according to George Lucier, chairman of the Chatham County Board of Commissioners. For the full story, click here.

Entrepreneurship Fund Established in Chatham County
Entrepreneurs in Chatham County could get a boost thanks to a recently implemented loan fund. The Chatham County Economic Development Corporation and the Center for Community Self-Help have established the Chatham Loan Fund, which will help finance loans to residents who are starting or operating a business in the area. Dianne Reid, president of the Chatham County EDC, says the fund will target local women, minorities and residents as young as 18. For the full story, click here.

Durham Government Bracing for Tax Shortfall
Durham County Manager Mike Ruffin recently instituted a hiring and buying freeze in county government. The city of Durham has had such a freeze for the past few months. Both the city and county will have a better sense of revenues in January when property tax revenue is received. In the meantime, Durham is seeing a drop in inspections and deed registrations, typically strong revenue sources. The County’s sales tax revenue during the first fiscal quarter (July-September) was close to projections but commissioners expect revenue to drop in the coming months. For the full story, click here.

Business Closings and Layoffs Update
Data derived from a statewide survey of newspaper accounts of business closings and layoffs and additional information supplied by the Employment Security Commission, suggests that approximately 467 individuals have been affected by regional (Orange, Chatham, Durham and Wake Counties) closings and layoffs. More specifically, 8 Durham businesses have closed, resulting in 70 layoffs and 17 Wake County businesses have closed, which affect 397 people. There were no closing or layoffs mentioned for Orange or Chatham counties.

Light Rail Plans Possibly Changed
Officials are now thinking a future rail-based transit system in the Triangle can use lightweight coaches and engines over its entire 56-mile length, rather than the heavyweight units they once envisioned. The potential change in approach comes after managers of the N.C. Railroad Co. signaled last month that they believe the region's main east-west rail corridor is wide enough to support a stop-and-go light-rail system for local traffic and heavier commuter trains for people arriving here from places as far afield as Greensboro and Goldsboro.

Light and heavier rail would share the corridor with the Norfolk Southern and CSX freight trains that will continue traveling through the area, planners say. “It's been done elsewhere," Durham Transportation Manager Mark Ahrendsen said, "Definitely not on the same tracks, but on the same right of way." For the full story, click here.


Federal Reserve Bank Expects Recession to mid-2009
Minutes from the Fed’s Open Market Committee show that its members believe the national economy has been in a recession since the summer and will continue to struggle through the first two quarters of 2009. The bank says declining gas prices should ward off inflationary pressure. For the full story, click here.

North Carolina's Banks Prepared for Bad Loans
North Carolina’s state-chartered banks are more equipped than their national peers to handle future loan losses, according to new federal data. The FDIC says that the 93 FDIC insured NC state banks have reserves for loan losses equal to 87.6 percent of loans and leases that are at least 90 days past due. The nation-wide average for state-chartered banks is 69.5 percent and the average for nationally chartered banks is 85 percent. For the full story, click here.

North Carolina is Fourth Fastest Growing State
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, North Carolina was the fourth fastest growing state from July 2007 to July 2008. The state’s population grew by two percent, or 180,820 residents, during that time. Only Utah, Arizona and Texas grew faster than North Carolina from 2007-2008. For the full story, click here.

The Real Estate Report is produced monthly by the Chapel Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Chapel Hill Association of Realtors

Friday, November 21, 2008

Real Estate Report (November 2008)

Volume 3, Issue 11 November, 2008

The Real Estate Report
Local Government News Impacting the Real Estate Industry

New Development

New Hotel Proposed for Southern Village
Southern Village developers D.R. Bryan and John Fugo unveiled a proposal to Southern Village residents in late October that features an "architecturally distinctive hotel with approximately 100 rooms," underground parking and 5,000 square feet of street-level retail space. The plan is to build on an existing parking lot, although Bryan said recently that he is open to uses other than a hotel. The key, he said, is to add another draw to a roster of businesses that includes anchors Weaver Street Market and The Lumina Movie Theater. The plan was scheduled to go before the Town Council last week but was pulled from the agenda by the developers at the last minute. For the full story, click here.

Council Gives Feedback on Homestead Road Project
The Chapel Hill Town Council gave the Cary firm The Design Response mixed feedback at a public hearing on Monday night. The firm is considering a mixed-use project along Homestead Road on the Fraley Property that would include 32 townhomes-- five "affordable" -- and two two-story buildings featuring up to 49,000 square feet of office space. Members of the Town Council offered suggestions, including improving traffic patterns, maximizing the proposed retail space and mixing the affordable housing throughout the project. For the full story, click here.


District Disagrees over Impact Fees
A proposal to increase school impact fees for the first time in seven years has the support of one of Orange County's two school districts, while the other is in favor of keeping the fee at its current level. Members of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Board approved a resolution in September that urges the county commissioners to increase impact fees "in order to provide a source of funding to construct new schools to keep pace with the district's growing student population and the escalating cost of construction." The Orange County Schools Board of Education, however, agreed last month to support the current levels, adding that it "supports the county commissioners in all their efforts to fully fund our school district." For the full story, click here.

Orange County

Town Manager Projects Budget Cuts
The Chapel Hill Town Council is in the midst of deciding how to handle the local fall-out from the financial market crises. Town Manager Roger Stancil recently gave the Council an update on town revenue projections, citing that sales tax revenues are likely to be 5 to 10 percent below projections. Stancil is also projecting less revenue growth from property revaluations that will be done in 2009 and a decrease in money collected from development fees.

In order to meet those challenges, Stancil has reduced expenditures by 5 percent -- approximately $2.5 million -- and declared that no departmental positions can be filled without his approval. In response to Stancil's report, Councilman Jim Ward urged a budget cut of $1 million beyond the prescribed five percent, arguing that budget shortfalls would likely be deeper and more long lasting. For the full story, click here.

James Merritt Appointed to Chapel Hill Town Council
At a recent Town of Chapel Hill Council meeting, James Merritt was appointed by the Council to replace the late Councilman Bill Thorpe. Seven people sought the nomination to the Council, including Will Raymond, Gene Pease and Loren Hintz. Merritt, a retired middle school counselor and assistant principal, says he will focus on issues of public safety and affordable housing as well as Carolina North. For the full story, click here.

Smaller Halloween Considered a Success
Despite losses in revenue Halloween night, business owners, community officials and residents are calling the downsized Halloween celebration a success. “We really enjoyed partnering with the town officials to make it a safe Halloween,” said Robert Poitras, the owner of Carolina Brewery in Chapel Hill. There was a smaller, more manageable crowd, and officials say that Halloween was as good as they could have hoped for. However, more changes are expected next year. “I personally think it’s never small enough,” said Phil Smith, event coordinator for Chapel Hill police. Smith said town officials hope to implement and improve many of the same procedures used this year for Halloween 2009. Chapel Hill Public Information Officer Catherine Lazorko said that although cost estimates are not in for this year’s Halloween, rough estimates have it at about the same price tag as last year, $221,000. For the full story, click here.

Innovation Center on Hold
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, the firm developing the Innovation Center on Carolina North, has put the project on hold given the national economic downturn. University officials expect the project will occur once the economy turns around. The Chapel Hill Town Council is considering UNC’s request for a special use permit for the Innovation Center and will continue a public hearing on it at their January 26 meeting. For the full story, click here.

County Officials Weigh 2009-10 Budget Issues
As the nation’s economic future remains unclear, officials say it’s too early to worry about potential Orange County budget shortfalls. An early county budget report predicted a roughly $9.5 million shortfall between revenues and expenditures for the 2009-10 budget. “We do a process where we show where some budget issues will be coming up,” said Orange County Budget Director Dean Coffey. “We presented to the board things that we know are going to be issues.”
But Coffey said the predicted shortfalls may not be as drastic as the early report indicates, so county officials are not yet taking action. Coffey said it is too early to predict exactly what the budget will look like for the next fiscal year, and real budget discussions won’t begin until early 2009. For the full story, click here.

Orange County "lost" Millions
Officials may take $5.9 million from Orange County's savings account to replace money they thought they had in capital accounts. The money was not in the capital accounts but was logged in the wrong accounts or line items. The mistakes, according to Orange County Finance Director Gary Humphreys, date back at least five years before he or County Manager Laura Blackmon were hired.
"If I were to be asked to explain it to somebody else, I might be able to do it," said Commissioners Chairman Barry Jacobs. "I'm not sure I'd be right. I might be able to sound authoritative, but I'm not sure I'd be right." For the full story, click here.

Comprehensive Plan Passed
The Orange County Comprehensive Plan was passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners during a November meeting. The Greater Chapel Hill Association of REALTORS was part of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan Coalition, which did not endorse the plan. The Coalition did not believe the plan laid out a compelling or adequate vision for growth in the County and neglected significant public input. The GCHAR will continue to be active during the implementation of the plan.
From the Daily Tar Heel

Airport Impact Study Results Questioned

N.C. State University economist Mitch Renkow is skeptical of the recently released consultant’s report suggesting a new general aviation airport would inject $40 million to $53 million each year into Orange County's economy. The study, commissioned by UNC and done by Talbert & Bright, is based on a previous study by the same firm that examined possible sites for a new airport. Renkow believes the figures are “implausibly large.” For the full story, click here.

Update from Chancellor Thorpe
Chancellor Thorp recently sent an email update to the faculty and staff of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In his update he highlighted how the global economic crisis will affect the University’s budget in the coming months and years. His points were as follows:
• North Carolina has cut one-time (non-permanent) state appropriations by 4 percent; an additional 1 percent is expected imminently. A 5 percent cut adds up to about $25 million for the University.
• UNC has received no word that a general state or UNC system hiring freeze is imminent. The funding designated in this year's state budget for university building repairs, renovations and new capital projects has been frozen.
• The university is planning for likely permanent (recurring) state budget cuts for fiscal 2009-2010 as revenues are expected to decline.
• The state does not completely fund the University. Other revenue streams include: tuition and fees, sales and services such as patient care, research contracts and grants, athletics, and private support.

Two New Restaurant Openings
Johnny's restaurant has opened in Carrboro at 901 West Main Street. It was formerly known as Johnny's Sporting Goods (mainly bait and tackle) and now serves gourmet coffee, pastries and bread from Durham's Guglhupf Bakery, seasonal produce and microbrew beer.

Shula’s 347 recently opened in the Sheraton Chapel Hill on Europa Drive. Shula’s serves breakfast, lunch and dinner at the full-service hotel. The restaurant’s atmosphere is casual and chic, sporting dark woods, flat panel TV’s and a sleek sports bar. Shula's 347 Grill has everything from gourmet salads to fresh specialty fish, and exclusively serves The Shula Cut—the same custom cuts and aging process from the legendary Shula's Steak House.
From the Orange County/Chapel Hill Visitors Bureau

County Turnout Tops 70 percet, Most Voting Early
The unofficial Orange County turnout numbers for the 2008 general election break records in voter turnout for the state, according to the North Carolina Board of Elections Web site. One stop voting totaled 51,964 ballots and absentee voting by mail accounted for 3,466. Additionally, 19,490 residents voted in the traditional manner on Election Day. In total, over 70 percent of eligible Orange County voters voted. For more information on this year’s voter turnout in Orange County and throughout the state, visit the N.C. Board of Elections Web site at For the full story, click here.

Orange County Election Results

N.C. State Senate District 23
Candidate Percent Votes
Ellie Kinnaird 73.37 51,739
Jon G. Bass 26.63 18,780

N.C. House of Representatives District 50
Candidate Percent Votes
Bill Faison 100 17,894

N.C. House of Representatives District 54
Candidate Percent Votes
Joe Hackney 100 7,236

N.C. House of Representatives District 56
Candidate Percent Votes
Verla Insko 100 30,835

Orange County Board of Commissioners At-Large
Candidate Percent Votes
Bernadette Pelissier 69.48 48,115
Kevin Wolff 30.52 21,132

Orange County Board of Commissioners District 1 (pick 2)
Candidate Percent Votes
Valerie Foushee 53.38 50,556
Pam Hemminger 46.62 44,155

Orange County Board of Commissioners District 2
Candidate Percent Votes
Steve Yuhasz 100 54,670

The Triangle

Credit Crunch Delaying Chatham School
With credit markets tightening, Chatham County officials say their plans to build a fourth high school in the northeastern part of the county have been delayed as very few of the 12,000-14,000 homes approved there have been built. The County is focusing its school infrastructure investments in renovations to Northwood High School in Pittsboro and completing a new middle school in the Briar Chapel area. Chatham County Schools Superintendent Robert Logan says the renovations to Northwood should be finished by August 2009 and the new middle school will be done by August of 2010. For the full story, click here.

Chatham to Revalue Properties
After examining delaying property revaluations for one year, Chatham County Commissioners said they would not hold off but institute new values on January 1. Initially, the Commissioners were interested in delaying the revaluation to give tax payers a financial break, however data from the County tax office show the savings would not be significant. George Lucier, chair of the Commissioners says, "The estimated costs of a one-year delay were considerably higher than initial reports indicated.” For the full story, click here.

Durham Performing Arts Center Slated to Open November 30
Construction workers are putting the finishing touches on the new Durham Performing Arts Center. The Center, along with the Durham Bulls Athletic Park and American Tobacco complex, is a cornerstone of the transformation of Downtown Durham. Blues legend B.B. King, who will give a concert November 30, will be the first performer in the new, 2,800-seat theater. The city of Durham is sponsoring a free, public open house and ribbon-cutting December 1. On Dec. 13, R&B artist John Legend will be the guest artist for the inaugural celebration of the performing arts center. Tickets for events that have been announced are available at, or through

Light Rail Plans Possibly Changed
Officials are now thinking a future rail-based transit system in the Triangle can use lightweight coaches and engines over its entire 56-mile length, rather than the heavyweight units they once envisioned. The potential change in approach comes after managers of the N.C. Railroad Co. signaled last month that they believe the region's main east-west rail corridor is wide enough to support a stop-and-go light-rail system for local traffic and heavier commuter trains for people arriving here from places as far afield as Greensboro and Goldsboro.

Light and heavier rail would share the corridor with the Norfolk Southern and CSX freight trains that will continue traveling through the area, planners say. “It's been done elsewhere," Durham Transportation Manager Mark Ahrendsen said, "Definitely not on the same tracks, but on the same right of way." For the full story, click here.

Glaxo Makes RTP Sole Headquarters
GlaxoSmithKline will make Research Triangle Park its sole U.S. headquarters and cut almost 2,000 sales jobs, the company said recently. The move eliminates the dual headquarters that London-based GSK has had in the U.S. since the 2000 merger that created GSK. Company spokeswoman Mary Anne Rhyne says the move makes sense in the midst of a major restructuring for GSK, “The announcements today are all aimed at streamlining the organization, and simplifying the business model.” RTP was picked over its Philadelphia office in part because the company has a bigger footprint here. The company has about 5,000 workers in RTP and owns 35 buildings on that campus. Rhyne says GSK also expects its new head of U.S. pharmaceuticals to be based in RTP. For the full story, click here.


Federal Reserve Bank Expects Recession to mid-2009
Minutes from the Fed’s Open Market Committee show that its members believe the national economy has been in a recession since the summer and will continue to struggle through the first two quarters of 2009. The bank says declining gas prices should ward off inflationary pressure. For the full story, click here.

State Unemployment Hits Seven Percent
The Employment Security Commission released figures for October which showed the State unemployment rate at seven percent. In October of last year, unemployment was at 4.7 percent. North Carolina’s unemployment rate is now higher than the national rate, which is 6.5 percent. Nevertheless, the state did create 5,076 jobs in October with most of those increases occurring in the construction industry. For the full story, click here.

Online Shopping Growth Slowing
According to a new report from ComScore, U.S. consumers are shopping less, even on-line. The study shows that online spending grew 6 percent in the third quarter, down sharply from a 13 percent annual growth rate in the second quarter. ComScore also surveyed 1,000 consumers about current attitudes on the economy. The survey results show that 27 percent expect the economy to be worse a year from now, while 50 percent expect it to be the same or better. For the full story, click here.

Restaurant Index Reaches Record Low
The National Restaurant Association’s Restaurant Performance Index (RPI) was released recently and reported contraction in the industry. The RPI measures industry health using four key indicators: same-store sales, traffic, labor, and capital expenditures. In September, the RPI reached an all-time low of 96.7 (100 is steady-state); figures below 100 represent contraction, figures above 100 represent expansion. September marked the 13th consecutive month the index dipped below 100. For the full story, click here.

The Real Estate Report is produced monthly by the Chapel Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Chapel Hill Association of Realtors

Monday, October 27, 2008

Real Estate Report (October 2008)

October, 2008

The Real Estate Report
Local Government News Impacting the Real Estate Industry


Breakfast with Congressman David Price-November 13
On November 13, from 8-9:30am, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce will host a Breakfast with David Price at the Carolina Club. On the coattails of the presidential election, this event will give attendees an opportunity to hear how Washington will be affected by the new administration.
Congressman Price will also provide an update about Federal action taken in the mortgage and financial downturn, a review of the last session, and what he expects congress to be taking up over the next year. There will be an extended question and answer session as well.

Members of the GCHAR will receive the $25 member rate; cost is $35 for non-members. You can register online by clicking here or by calling 967-7075. This event is sponsored by: AICPA, the Daily Tar Heel, AT&T and 1360 WCHL. More sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact Karen Bonardi at 967-7076.

New Development

300 E. Main Approved
After almost five years, 300 E. Main St. in Carrboro can break ground. The development, which spans from Cat’s Cradle to the ArtsCenter, unanimously was approved on October 7 after several impassioned speeches from members of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and years of back and forth about the project’s potential impact. The development, by Main Street Properties, will include a five-story hotel, office buildings and a parking deck. For the full story, click here.

Buckhorn Village Gets Go-ahead
The Orange County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the Buckhorn Village development on October 7, with several conditions. The approval comes nearly a year after the idea for the retail center was proposed. The 1.14-million-square-foot retail center is slated to be built in Efland, a 20-minute drive northwest of downtown Chapel Hill, after developers clarify some of the language in the 118-page agenda. Buckhorn Village would cover 128 acres and potentially include retail stores, restaurants, a movie theater and minor residential complexes. For the full story, click here.

Woodmont Will Move Forward
The Chapel Hill Town Council voted September 8 to approve several measures that will allow the Woodmont development project off of N.C. Highway 54 to continue. The council approved a rezoning application, a master land use plan application and a special use permit that the development needs to proceed.

Representatives from Capital Associates in Cary, who are in charge of the development, presented materials and plans for the proposed 33-acre site that will house office space, condominiums and retail. For the full story, click here.


School Number 11 Takes Shape
A new elementary school scheduled to open in 2011 is still in the early planning stages, but Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools officials now have a better idea of what it's going to be like. The CHCCS Board of Education in June selected a site in the Northside neighborhood for Elementary No. 11, and county commissioners approved the site on September 2. “Elementary No. 11 will be built on an eight-acre site between Caldwell and McMasters streets, where the former Orange County Training School is located. Northside residents have responded positively so far to having a school in their neighborhood. For the full story, click here.

District Disagrees Over Impact Fees
A proposal to increase school impact fees for the first time in seven years has the support of one of Orange County's two school districts, while the other is in favor of keeping the fee at its current level. Members of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Board approved a resolution in September that urges the county commissioners to increase impact fees "in order to provide a source of funding to construct new schools to keep pace with the district's growing student population and the escalating cost of construction." The Orange County Schools Board of Education, however, agreed last month to support the current levels, adding that it "supports the county commissioners in all their efforts to fully fund our school district." For the full story, click here.

Orange County SAT Scores Up from 2006-07
The Orange County Schools system’s recently released SAT (Scholastic Achievement Test) overall score was 1043, up 3 points from 2006-07. That figure is 36 points above the state average of 1007 and 26 points ahead of the national average of 1017. “Orange County Schools outperformed their state and national counterparts in all ethnic groups and gender groups,” says Superintendent Patrick Rhodes. “We tested 77.5 percent of all seniors. That’s the fourth highest percentage in the state.”

Orange High School saw the biggest gain from its 2006-07 scores — 1039 versus 999 — a 40-point jump. The number of students who took the SAT was also up, from 161 to 126, which translated to 72.5 percent of the seniors, an 8.1 percent increase from 2006-2007. To see how Orange County and other North Carolina schools did, click here. For the full story, click here.

Board Approves Technology Pilot Program
Two local schools, Culbreth Middle and Scroggs Elementary, are moving forward with a pilot program that will bring new educational technologies -- including the iPod Touch -- into the classroom. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education approved an agreement in mid-October with N.C. Virtual Public Schools, a state government organization that will test cutting-edge educational techniques at both schools later this school year before possibly using them statewide. The agreement gives each school $30,000 to buy audio/video equipment and mobile technology devices such as the iPod Touch.
From the Chapel Hill News

Orange County

Bill Thorpe, Long-Serving Councilmember, Dies
Bill Thorpe, long-time Chapel Hill Town Council member and fighter for civil rights, died in his home in early October from heart problems. Thorpe was the voice for the least fortunate during his total of 11 years on the council and almost 40 years living in Chapel Hill. “He really kept our feet to the fire as far as remembering what our values were,” council member Mark Kleinschmidt said. “He always understood that issues that we worked on involved the lives of people.” For the full story, click here.

Halloween Changes Set
With Halloween crowds swelling to more than 80,000, a size that requires law enforcement officers to be brought in from the Triangle and Triad, Chapel Hill Town Manager Roger Stancil has announced “Homegrown Halloween in Chapel Hill.” This year’s Halloween Celebration will differ from those in years past in order to better ensure the safety of attendees. Below is a list of changes, for more information you can visit

• Downtown street closures beginning at 9 p.m.
• Little to no parking in the downtown
• No park and ride shuttles
• Bars will not allow new patrons in after 1 a.m.
• A $5 (or more) cover charge to enter bars after 10 p.m.
• Franklin Street will reopen to traffic at midnight

Overview of Chapel Hill Development Projects
At the 2008 Orange County Development Briefing, Chapel Hill Economic Development Officer Dwight Bassett presented the following table detailing projects approved or under construction in town. Note that of projects approved, 39 percent of the square footage is dedicated to non-residential use. In total, over 2.4 million square feet in new projects will be or are underway at total investment of $435 million. The County’s recent approval of Buckhorn Village (see above), will add another 1 million square feet of commercial space and $125 million in private investment.

Residential SF
Nonresidential SF
East 54 238,904 248,701 $130,000,000
Greenbridge 182,540 37,847 $30,000,000
140 West 176,919 30,690 $75,000,000
Chapel Hill North (unbuilt section) 150,000 0 $0
Chapel Hill Watch Village 182,000 0 $0
Castalia at Meadowmont 24,000 52,000 $7,900,000
Europa Office Building 0 38,000 $5,500,00
Woodmont 150,000 450,500 $145,000,000
Cosgrove Hill (3) 169,000 50,000 $17,000,000
Homestead Twin Towns 125,000 0 $25,000,000
Total 1,398,363 907,738 $435,400,000

Downtown Parking Study Finalized, Input Encouraged
On Thursday, October 30 from 5:30-7:00pm, the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership will host a public forum to gather input on the recently completed downtown parking study. The forum will take place at University Presbyterian Church at 110 Henderson Street. If you would like to view the study’s findings and recommendations, click here or click here for the detailed study findings.

Unemployment Rate Drops Across Triangle
The NC Employment Security Commission announced Friday that unemployment dropped around the Triangle. In the Raleigh-Cary metro, September unemployment was at 5.3 percent, down from 5.4 percent in August. In the Durham metro, which includes Chapel Hill, unemployment dropped from 5.4 to 5.2 percent from August to September. During this period, the Durham metro added 2,300 government jobs, offsetting the loss of 1,200 jobs in manufacturing, financial activities, trade and other services. For the full story click here.

Consultant's Study Describes Airport's Economic Potential
A May 2008 report by Talbert & Bright says that a new Orange County airport could have an economic impact of up to $53 million a year, which is more than four times the amount Horace Williams Airport pumps into the community. The consultants’ report bases their findings on surveys of airport managers, tenants, and major users and calls the estimated impact of $40 million to $53 million conservative. For the full story, click here.

Leaders Call for a Better Brand
At the most recent Downtown Partnership Board of Directors meeting, members discussed the idea of developing a single identity or brand for the downtown area. George Draper, chairman of the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership’s board of directors, thinks that Chapel Hill should be known for more than UNC athletics and downtown parties. “Downtown Chapel Hill has branded itself for a lot of reasons, but it’s more associated with the college,” he said. “As a property owner and as a member of the board, I would like to see similar type of branding, but for more than basketball and Halloween.” For the full story, click here.

OWASA Approves Water Restriction Changes
On Thursday, the OWASA Board of Directors endorsed revisions to water restrictions that will now be passed on to Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange County leaders for review. The most significant changes will affect restrictions on irrigation and swimming pool filling. Board member Alan Rimer praised the work of OWASA staff in simplifying the water restriction ordinance, which he said proved confusing to many residents last summer. "I think we have a much tighter set of standards now. The ordinance is one of the best I've seen in the country," Rimer said. For the full story, click here.

County Officials Weigh 2009-10 Budget Issues
As the nation’s economic future remains unclear, officials said it’s too early to worry about potential Orange County budget shortfalls. An early county budget report predicted a roughly $9.5 million shortfall between revenues and expenditures for the 2009-10 budget. “We do a process where we show where some budget issues will be coming up,” said Orange County Budget Director Dean Coffey. “We presented to the board things that we know are going to be issues.”

But Coffey said the predicted shortfalls may not be as drastic as the early report indicates, so county officials are not yet taking action. Coffey said it is too early to predict exactly what the budget will look like for the next fiscal year, and real budget discussions won’t begin until early 2009. For the full story, click here.

The Triangle

$650 Million Railroad Expansion Proposed
State and local officials are preparing to expand North Carolina’s commuter railroad service to support a growing population and boost economic development. The N.C. Railroad Company released an 11-month study in early October that proposes a $650 million expansion and transformation of the current freight system into a commuter rail system. The total expansion could cover 141 miles and offer commuter rail service to two to three million North Carolinians.

The project could cost as much as $2 million to $9 million per mile, including a possible $23.6 million expansion that will extend to Chapel Hill, said Scott Saylor, president of the N.C. Railroad Company. David Bonk, Chapel Hill long range and transportation coordinator, said Durham, Wake and Orange counties are currently discussing the possibility of incorporating rail into their transportation systems in the next 25 years. For the full story, click here.

Durham Plant Closing; 428 to Lose Jobs

Silver Line Building Products will shutter its plant in Durham, according to the state Department of Commerce. Silver Line, which makes vinyl windows and patio doors, expects the closure to be effective as of December 20. The company located in the Triangle just four years ago and received about $200,000 in grant incentives. For the full story, click here.

Credit Crunch Delaying Chatham School
With credit markets tightening, Chatham County officials say their plans to build a fourth high school in the northeastern part of the county have been delayed as very few of the 12,000-14,000 homes approved there have been built. The County is focusing its school infrastructure investments in renovations to Northwood High School in Pittsboro and completing a new middle school in the Briar Chapel area. Chatham County Schools Superintendent Robert Logan says the renovations to Northwood should be finished by August 2009 and the new middle school will be done by August of 2010. For the full story, click here.

Raleigh Plaza Breaks Ground
Last Monday, the city of Raleigh broke ground on a $14.8 million high-tech public square. The project, called City Plaza, is located at the south end of Fayetteville Street and leaders hope it will become a major gathering spot in downtown. The plaza will include 45-foot-tall light towers, a motion-sensitive water fountain and four retail pavilions. City Manager Russell Allen said the project is nearly completely financed with only $1 million remaining and will be unaffected by the larger economic downturn. For the full story, click here.


Real Estate Market to Hit Bottom in 2009
Real estate investors and professionals say U.S. financial and real estate markets will hit bottom in 2009 and continue to slump for much of 2010, according to a report by the Urban Land Institute and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The annual industry outlook includes responses from more than 600 real estate experts, including investors, developers, property company representatives, lenders, brokers and consultants.

According to the report, moderate-income apartments in core urban markets near mass transit offer the best investment opportunities, a consistent trend from the previous year. Downtown office space is expected to outperform suburban markets and retail development is generally near the bottom but still has a bit farther to fall. The housing industry faces more foreclosures and likely no rebound in values for 2009, according to the report. For the full story, click here.

Fed's Beige Book Released, Cites Slowing Economy
The Federal Reserve’s Beige Book for the Carolinas was released last week detailing the slowing regional economy during late August and throughout September. The report gives anecdotal evidence of economic trends and cited slumps in “big-ticket” retail purchases such as automobiles, furniture and appliances. Health care organizations saw little change in demand for services but are concerned that the slowdown in the economy might lead to a glut of unpaid bills. For the full story, click here.

The Real Estate Report is produced monthly by the Chapel Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Chapel Hill Association of Realtors